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New Year, New Me (But it's not that easy)

You did it!! You've finally decided that you are ready to take that leap and become a life coach. You've always been that friend who gave sound advice and guidance. You figure it's time to walk in your purpose.

It's the new year and it's time to make those moves. We are now three days into the new year and fear is knocking on your door. You know what, you have every right to feel the way that you feel.

Check out some of the biggest fears that coaches face below:

Biggest Fears in Coaching:

  1. Impostor Syndrome: Many coaches, especially when starting, fear not being "good enough" or feeling like they're not qualified to guide others.

  2. Client Resistance or Lack of Progress: Coaches often fear that their clients won’t see results or might resist the coaching process, leading to doubts about their effectiveness.

  3. Failure to Connect: Fear of not establishing a meaningful connection with clients or being unable to understand their needs and goals.

  4. Ethical Dilemmas: Concerns about navigating ethical boundaries, maintaining confidentiality, and dealing with sensitive client information.

  5. Self-Doubt and Criticism: Fear of receiving negative feedback or criticism, which may hinder personal growth and confidence as a coach.

Here are some strategies to help you slay these dream killers:

Building a Supportive Community:

  • Networking: Actively participate in coaching networks, forums, or social media groups. Connecting with peers provides opportunities for sharing experiences, gaining different perspectives, and receiving support.

  • Support Systems: Consider joining VACC which can provide mentorship and encouragement during challenging times.

Continuous Learning:

  • Professional Development:  Invest in continuous learning through workshops, courses, books, and conferences. Staying updated with industry trends and acquiring new skills can boost confidence.

  • Reflective Practice: Reflect on your experiences after coaching sessions. What worked well? What could be improved? This reflective approach helps in continuous improvement.

Addressing Fear of Failure:

  • Embrace Failure as Growth: Reframe failure as an opportunity for learning and growth rather than a setback. Share stories of successful individuals who have faced failure and used it as a stepping stone to success.

  • Incremental Progress: Progress doesn't have to be monumental. Small steps and incremental progress are still steps forward.

Managing Self-Doubt:

  • Positive Affirmations and Self-Compassion: Practice positive self-talk and self-compassion. Acknowledge and celebrate successes, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself in moments of self-doubt.

  • Visualization and Goal Setting: Visualizing success and setting achievable goals can help overcome self-doubt by providing a clear path forward.

Remember the road won't be easy, when you truly walk in your purpose you will see some of your greatest successes in coaching.

Greatest Successes in Coaching:

  1. Transformational Client Growth: Witnessing clients make significant progress, achieve their goals, and experience personal or professional transformation.

  2. Impactful Relationships: Building strong, trusting relationships with clients that facilitate positive change and growth.

  3. Overcoming Challenges: Successfully navigating and helping clients overcome challenges, leading to resilience and newfound strengths.

  4. Aha Moments and Breakthroughs: Experiencing moments of clarity or breakthroughs with clients, where they gain new insights or perspectives.

  5. Personal and Professional Fulfillment: Feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the impact of coaching on both clients and one’s own personal and professional growth.

Coaches, you can overcome your fears, build confidence, and create a more fulfilling coaching practice. You must remember that fear is a natural part of growth and that with resilience and dedication, you can navigate these challenges effectively.

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